Posts Tagged ‘ tame ’

Superman Of Love


I feel like

I don’t know

my own strength, 

its hard

to be humble

when your able

to skate,

right through

the doors

pasts the guards

at the gate,

more then

doubling your record time

is it my doing?

or is it fait?

ive loved

so very much

how can I

be deserving of the same,


only see my flaws

how can others

see my strength?

ive lost count

on how much

I have given

and how much ive dared to dream and take,

im not always

dealing with a full deck

so I eat

everything on the plate,


mine or not

if it’s there

it must mean its the same,

I take

it all in

from the awesome times

to those of tearing pain,


they bicker back and fourth

at each other

filling up my brain,

with doubt

and with fear

that im going

against the grain,

 leaving cuts

on my throat

on my cheek

from the very close shave,


I press too hard

I go to far

am I retarded, am I insane?


I say hurtful things

when I’m simply

trying to explain,

my thoughts

on a subject

I thought couldn’t be

any more plain,


non linear parables

with outside subject matter

that may not normally pertain,

to whats going on but to me

it makes sense

to others

a migraine,

which makes me

wonder even more

why others

even put up with my campaign,

I have no money

all I have to give is love

so when I’m distant

its like I all the more short change,

so god bless

the women

that put up with

my minds frame,

further explaining

why after shedding the pounds

that I thought

kept said opposite sex away,

has done nothing

but make me seem

even more conceded

with the awesome craziness I believe I have and I crave,

 for my signficant other

be patient

be strong

and grab your leash because I want/need to be tamed,


is to superman

what love is to man

already meek and lame