Posts Tagged ‘ spicy ’

In Your Dreams

Think things…

Believe them…

who can take it away?

when your playing pretend…


I am

a mad man…

I just need

a little push

to get me off the deep end…

This is where

I can be my silliest,

but it has to be

in secret..

Not everyone

is privileged

to see


My feet in concrete

and I’m


Saying things

in calculated contrary

to how you may be thinkin’…

so please,

push me away


A dash of Spanish Spice

Word choice
Plays IT humble
But she for damn sure
Knows that
She is very fine,
of her surroundings
Both off
And online,
Takes a moment
Out of her day
To simmer down
My obsessive chimes,
hoping she
didn’t do
Anything to tease
Since she’s been known to do that many a time,
I wanted to let her know
I wish she did
But I wasn’t that fortunate
Of a guy,
To be graced
With such misleadings
Our meeting
Only consisted of half a cigar and a drink with a lime,
maybe Its because
of my demeanor
Her hell on heels
And the fact that it doesn’t match my size,
Or because
Shes so articulate
And I’m not
that intellectual of a guy,
Either way
I dare not ask
Or even
Wonder why,
I enjoyed her company
Although moments of silence
May have made it seem
Like I was Un witty or some what shy,
I’ve learned to respect
A Queen
And be mindful
Of my replies,
which escapes me
At moments
But that only happens
So I plead
My dear
don’t be pushed away
By these ramblings of mine,
I do IT to give you praise
And boost your ego
So we can maybe
market and capitalize,
On the elegant artist Queen
And the fallen
Poet King who’s now her peasant
Now That duo would have to shine!
Searching for gimmicks
Because thats what
And reels in the line,
I’m just
Spit balling
We need to have
Another meeting of the minds,
I tilt my hat
Here’s looking at you kid
Miss home grown b
Aka Rich Spanish Spice