Posts Tagged ‘ show off ’

we are we are (pretend)

we are

our greatest enemy

we are

our very best friend,

we arent the glue

that keeps us together


we are

the chemical that makes it come un done at the end,

unless we look deep inside us

and then way beyond us

can we finally come to

something that will mend,

this twisted metal

heavy foot on top of the gas foot medal

borderline “oh no he’s okay, but he might be mental”

mask we use to blend away and play pretend

There is nothing so stable as change.

tomorrow isn’t promised

the only thing consistent

is change,

we can stack things

in perfect order

but that doesn’t mean they wont rearrange,

as soon as we let go of something

there that goes

back in the never-ending altering maze,

of course

there are some people

that are forever stuck in their ways,

and then

there are others

who are just going through a phase,

no matter how we test or measure

there is nothing as stable

as the times love affair with the change