Posts Tagged ‘ distraction ’

dont mind me

don’t mind my smirk

excuse the lurk

that i give when i split

my efforts away from work,

im trying to remain calm

and IT isn’t

as easy

as IT looks

here is where i am

and there

is where

i left,

with pressure

of all that is glam

lime light pushes

me away from rest,

the attention

i crave

with plenty

of hunger pains,

keeps me

gunning way

what hunger has

more than once paved,

so please don’t mind

she shock

and slightly disgusted


but im mining

my business

and im hoping you can

run a play from the same  book

Forget It?

we’re more than meets the eye

we’re of another dimension,

not your average cartoon

we’re super heroes super confused just not so super men,

fighting with no cape & no tights

sometimes just a little lost when fast approaching,

needing all the help in the world

just not taking to kindly to coaching…

if im suppose to go right

but made a slight soft left,

it’s just like going hard

in the opposite direction,

skipping every stop

ignoring every intention,

with little to no words

trying my damnedest to explain it,

maybe I shouldnt (since thoughts & feelings are expensive)

and just forget it