Posts Tagged ‘ bar hoping ’

Cash Inn Country

Like most love tales
It started
at a bar,

I was reentering
While She was busy outside
talking shit to the stars,

I walked in my date
And ran out To see
The Lone Queen,
With the scars…

That she kept
Well hid
But i am one who can see
Behind the walls,

Ready with her dukes up
I came at her
with a little bit of a charge,

Confessing feelings
While she
Laughed it all off
But I’m pretty damn sure
Entertained the thought,

Conversation furthered
So we went inside to
mingle with a couple
Other broads,

A Vibing energy
growing attraction
The more that we talk..

Both a little sloppy
But we’re saying exactly
What it is
That we want.

In octaves,
All for the name
Of love…

I can see
This lady full of life
Tries so hard,

Her physical needs
To make up
For the emotional

I was right behind her
Like I wanted to
Pay for the charge

But fast times
And Current events
Left her skirting off,

Oh woe
Is love
Stumbling outside
Of the bar….